
The Raw Materials Of Disposable Pads On The Market

Waste paper, bleaching agents are carcinogenic, agents fluoresan and is processing the raw materials of disposable pads on the market. [Baca lagi...]
FC Bio Sanitary Pad (Herbal Pad - Medicated)

FC Bio-Sanitary Pad Specially Formulated With Natural Herbs Patented Functional Bio-Sanitary Pad with natural herbs - Hygiene, Protection, Comfort and Functional Product. [Baca lagi...]

Informasi Terkini


Obama Will Change Busf Policy

U.S. President Barack Obama will change several numbers of controversial policies by President George W. Bush, including the restriction of the parent embryo cell research [...]

Beyonce Will Never Sell Her Wedding Photo

Beyonce said, she will never consider to sells her wedding photo with Jay-Z to a celebrity magazine that offering a large amount of money as rewards, even she wonder with the amount of money that offered to her [...]
Guns N 'Roses

Guns N 'Roses Will Back

After 15 years not releasing album, the group rock Guns N ' Roses will launch a new album in the United States on 23 November. The band's latest album is "The Spaghetti Incident", released in 1993 [...]

Ipod Can Make Your ear Buzz

Music is one way to wake the spirit, to create happy life, but what happens if the music makes the ears buzz? of course, not the music that makes the ear 'buzzy',[...]
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Friday, April 20, 2012

10 Fakta Tentang Kelahiran

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1. Hanya 5% bayi yang lahir pada tarikh EDD (Estimated Due Date) mereka. Kebanyakannya lahir antara minggu ke 37 dan 42 kehamilan.

2. Sehingga bersalin, rahim ibu akan mengembang 500 kali ganda dari saiz normal untuk menampung kandungannya.

3. Purata darah yang hilang melalui proses kelahiran normal adalah 500ml.

4. 80% wanita mengalami sindrom “Baby Blues” semasa 2 minggu terawal selepas bersalin disebabkan oleh perubahan hormon badan.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Eye Care Tips

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If you want to maintain a good quality of vision following are tips that can help you keep your eyes.

1. Practise taking berries and prunes. Most fruits are very rich purple with a compound known as anthocyanidins' proven benefits in eye health.

2. Practise taking green vegetables such as spinach, kale, mustard greens, etc. because it is rich in beta carotene is good for the eyes.

3. Take fruits that are orange or yellow as lemon, papaya and mango. Fruit color is very good for the eyes because it contains beta carotene contained in them is very high.

4. Vegetables, orange and red as carrots, tomatoes and squash also contain beta carotene which is very high. Take this food every day for at least one cup a day to ensure your body has always been a continuing source of beta carotene.

5. Enough sleep will help relax your eyes and makes your eyes look fresh and alive.

6. Prevent your eyes from the very bright light because it will affect your vision. Wear dark glasses to protect your eyes.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Penjagaan kuku (Wanita Hari Ini)

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Wajah, rambut dan kulit sering menjadi perhatian individu tatkala bercakap soal kecantikan. Namun, bagaimana pula dengan kuku?

Ramai mengaku yang mereka tidak mengambil berat terhadap bahagian ini kerana menganggap ia tidak penting. Sebenarnya, kuku juga memainkan peranan penting dalam soal penampilan. Jangan lupa setiap kali berbicara, tangan kita turut bergerak dan pastinya kuku antara anggota yang mudah dilihat.

Menjaga kuku sebenarnya tidak sukar. Hanya potong dan bersihkan, itu sudah mencukupi. Ingat! Andai ia berpenyakit pasti sukar merawatnya. Penyakit cagu, kuku merekah, mudah patah, kusam, berwarna kuning atau hitam pasti menjejaskan penampilan.

Rutin Penjagaan Kuku

1. Pastikan kuku dibersihkan selalu terutama bagi mereka yang sering melakukan kerja rumah seperti memasak. Jangan potong kuku terlalu pendek.

2. Rendam dalam air suam dapat melembutkan dan memudahkan kuku dipotong.

3. Gunakan alat khas untuk melicinkan permukaan kuku yang dipotong. Gosok kuku dengan kain untuk menanggalkan habuk yang tertinggal.

4. Pemakaian pelembap tangan dan kuku mengandungi vitamin C membantu mencantikkan kuku.

5. Minum banyak air dapat membantu mendapatkan kuku yang sihat, kuat dan cantik.

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