
Thursday, January 27, 2011

How to enjoy the female breast

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Typically for a new women's breasts caressing know will thrill to the touch. Women with small breasts at first, will grow when the nipple is always indulge, mixed breast and nipples sucked punting. Passionate and sensual woman in sex would alert the body to prepare for pregnant women. As stated earlier, the nipples and buttocks are fat and nutrient reserves in preparation for a woman's body for pregnancy.
For a wife who has always indulge nipples and mixed, it can cause a sense of amusement, if done in a hurry caresses. Husbands need to know how to diversify the ways to enjoy her nipples.
Do not directly touch her breasts nipple nipples especially. Indulgence is the area began around her breasts. Shoulder area, the base of the breast and the breast is the start of mengairahkan and usually hilarious. Cover and gently touch the area. Kiss her on the shoulder and breast area.
Fingers should also play a role in stimulating breast. Scrape around the base of her breasts in a circle. Do not touch her breasts again. Brush and ask where the pleasant wife and was the focus there.
Imagine a husband in the present situation. While kissing her shoulders and the area above her breasts, rubbing the fingers around her breasts. Gilirkan between her two breasts.
The area below the base of her breasts, too, is the most sensitive and passionate sex marriage.Belai and scrub gently with the palm of the hand. Gilirkan the surrounding scrub and gilirkan between her two breasts.
When wife is passionate and wants more pampered more. Only then can stimulate her nipples nipples. Nipples are stimulated and digairah with his tongue and sucking gently. Nipple sucking nipples nipples in a way put in your mouth and put it on the tongue. Make sure the base of the pacifier nipple between the two lips of the husband and taxable to the teeth. As he sucked her nipples gently, using the tongue to moisten the nipple nipples.
Use the tongue to create a soft touch in a circle around the nipple nipples. The most sensual is when the nipple is sucked, the tongue under the nipple nipple nipple megurut, like a suckling baby.Gilirkan same time on each breast. However, sometimes there are sides of her breasts taste more delicious, so her response is necessary.


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